Members of

2297 NJ-33, Suite 901, Hamilton Township, NJ 08690
DMI Warehouse:
1369 Lamberton Rd, Suite A Hamilton Twp., NJ 08611

DMI Holiday Schedule
Important Operations Notice:
Attention All DMI Members;
Please read over the following Holiday Schedule…
Damage KRA’s - DMI will accept damage KRA returns up to 12-20-2018
(After 12/20 we will not accept damages until 1/2/19)
Good Stock KRA’s - DMI will accept Good Stock KRA returns up to 12-26-2018
(After 12/26/18 we will not accept good stock returns until 1/2/19)
All KRA returns will resume on 1-2-2019
(You may continue to enter KRA’s into the DRS during the time we are not accepting returns)
DMI Office and Warehouse hours of operation:
All deposits must be in by 10:00 am on 12/31/18
Tuesday, January 1, 2019, New Year’s Day - DMI Office and Warehouse is Closed
Wednesday, January 2,2019 DMI back to a normal schedule
PLEASE Do NOT use Ship date 1/1/19 (Orders will not be pulled for these dates)